I have a view panel in xpages and a computed field to show the row-count. I have 2 problems:
1st: how can i count only the rows of the current page of the pager?it seems that viewPanel.getRowCount() gets all rows from the beginning until the current page, so if i have 30 entries per page and i am in page 2, it shows 60 instead of 30.
2nd: even if i achieve the above, the pager only refreshes the view and i can't refresh the computed field or another panel. Can i put the computed field inside the view panel or make it somehow to be refreshed in each page change? i would prefer not to do it with full page refresh if possible...
Given the computed field refresh issue, even if you managed to get a count of rows (eg on a page-scope SSJS variable), it woudln't update the computed field.
It might be easier to to count to rows in the HTML table using clientside javascript ?
something like ..
page onload event :
get the HTML table
get the table rows property (array of rows in the table)
number or rows = that value (1st row = TH (header) row if there is one = row 0)
use javsscript to plug that value into a known DIV