I am new to RestClient, but I deeply searched in the Web and I couldn't find something helping.
My code is the following, and is working, but I'm searching for something more elegant:
def get_from_mgmt(sub_path, par)
par += "&" unless par.empty?
path = ":http//#{USER}:#{PASSWORD}@#{HOST}/#{sub_path}.json?#{par}auth_token=#{AUTH_TOKEN}"
single_page = JSON.parse(RestClient.get path)
I found in internet the following:
response = RestClient::Request.new(
:method => :get,
:url => @my_url + "/" + path.to_s,
:user => @my_user,
:password => @my_pass,
:headers => { :accept => :json,
:content_type => :json }
results = JSON.parse(response.to_str)
and I like it, but I don't understand where to add AUTH_TOKEN and other parameters. I already tried to add auth_token inside the headers and apart but inside the initialization.
Any help is welcome! Thank you.
Ok, finally I found it. I have to put the parameters and the auth_token (that is also treated as parameter) in :payload
response = RestClient::Request.new(
:method => :get,
:url => base_url + "/" + sub_path,
:user => user,
:password => pwd,
:headers => {:accept => :json,
:content_type => :json},
:payload => {:auth_token => auth_token}.merge(par)
where par is a hash of parameters. In my case par = {:states = "fail"}