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MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork causes crash (weird issue)

allocations before running 'extra loop' allocations before running 'crashing' loop

The code:

// loading items to the array, there are no memory warnings after this is completed. The first allocations screenshot is after this code and before extra loop code.
NSMutableArray *albumCovers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (MPMediaQuery *query in queries) {
    NSArray *allCollections = [query collections];
    for (MPMediaItemCollection *collection in allCollections) {
        MPMediaItemArtwork *value = [collection.representativeItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyArtwork];
                UIImage *image = [value imageWithSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100)];
                if (image) {
                    [albumCovers addObject:image];
    _mediaCollections = [NSArray arrayWithArray:artworkedCollections];
    _albumCovers = [NSArray arrayWithArray:albumCovers];

And somewhere else:

// !!!!! extra loop - from here the memory starts to grow and never release
for (i=0; i< 800; i++) {
    UIImage * coverImage = [_albumCovers objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    [veryTemp setImage:coverImage]; // exactly this line adds to the memory. with this line commented, there is no problem.

allocations after running 'extra loop' allocations before running 'crashing' loop

and to clarify, call stack with only-obj-c on and system libraries off (if i turn them on, the highest % is 0.9% per heaviest method) call stack after extra loop

I've made some research, and found at stackoverflow, that these VM:ImageIO_PNG_Data are usually comming from [UIImage imageNamed:], however as you can see i don't use this method, i'm just getting the reference from MPMediaItemCollection.


  • The problem was that UIImage usually keeps just a ref(CGImageRef), which is a small one. After displaying items, CGImageRef was 'injected' with information. As a result the table was growing all the time.

    The simple but not the most beautiful solution was to use the code:

    NSArray = @[obj1, obj2, obj3]; // where obj is custom NSObject and has a UIImage property

    instead of:

    NSArray = @[img1, img2, img3]; // where img is of UIImage type