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How to get NWMLS array values' full description using XML query in PHP?

Assume that the below array I got from the NWMLS real estate services,

 STA - A
 BRM - U
 DNO - M
 DRM - M
 ENT - M
 F17 - A
 FAM - M

If you see the STA which is a short code that represents 'STATUS' and A represents 'ACTIVE'.

1. How to get the full description or Amenity data/ results for 'A' as 'Active' and also for other values from NWMLS real estate services using XML query with PHP?

Note: The C# programmers are using XMLNodelist predefined class or function to get all of these long or full description for all of the array values.

try {
    $client=new SoapClient('');
    $XMLQuery ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='no' ?>";
    $XMLQuery .="<EverNetQuerySpecification xmlns=''>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Message>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Head>";
    $XMLQuery .="<UserId>username</UserId>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Password>password</Password>";
    $XMLQuery .="<SchemaName>StandardXML1_1</SchemaName>";
    $XMLQuery .="</Head>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Body>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Query>";
    $XMLQuery .="<MLS>NWMLS</MLS>";
    $XMLQuery .="<PropertyType>propertytype</PropertyType>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Status>A</Status>";
    $XMLQuery .="<BeginDate>2013-05-07T23:00:00</BeginDate>";;
    $XMLQuery .="<EndDate>2013-11-07T00:00:00</EndDate>";
    $XMLQuery .="</Query>";
    $XMLQuery .="<Filter></Filter>";
    $XMLQuery .="</Body>";
    $XMLQuery .="</Message>";
    $XMLQuery .="</EverNetQuerySpecification>";
    $params = array ('v_strXmlQuery' => $XMLQuery);
    $result = $client->RetrieveListingData($params);     
    $access = $result->RetrieveListingDataResult;    
    $xml_result = new SimpleXMLElement($access);
} catch(DynamoDbException $e) {
    echo 'The item could not be retrieved.';

Sorry! Since there is no tag for NWMLS I chose RETS.


  • $nodelist = $client->RetrieveAmenityData($params); 
    $accessnodelist = $nodelist->RetrieveAmenityDataResult;
    $xml_amenity_result = new SimpleXMLElement($accessnodelist);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

    The above code can fetch the full or long description for both array keys and values.