After succesfully running an entabulator, my detabulator won't pick up on a character comparison that should exit a while loop. After trying "0(tab)8(enter)(ctrl+D)" as input the tab is written correctly as spaces, but after rp is incremented to point to the 8, the while loop that should read the 8 won't exit and I get a seg fault. Here's the code:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXLINE 100
char doc[9001];
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int max = 0;
char *rp = doc;
char *wp = rp;
char *tf = wp;
char *lp = doc;
while ((*(rp++) = getchar()) != EOF);
*--rp = '\0';
rp = doc;
j = 0;
while ( (*rp != '\0') && (argc == 1)) {
if (*rp == '\n') {
lp = rp + 1;
*wp++ = *rp++;
while( (*rp != '\t') && (*rp != '\0') && (*rp != '\n') ) { /*this loops after a tab*/
*wp++ = *rp++;
if (*rp == '\t') {
tf = lp + ((((wp - lp) / 8) + 1) * 8);
while ((tf - wp) != 0)
*wp++ = 's';
if (*rp == '\0')
*wp = '\0';
printf("%s\n", doc);
What I feel is, the below loop is going into infinite loop.
while( (*rp != '\t') && (*rp != '\0') && (*rp != '\n') ) { /*this loops after a tab*/
*wp++ = *rp++;
This is because, you are checking for rp!= '\t'
and so on, but here
if (*rp == '\t')
tf = lp + ((((wp - lp) / 8) + 1) * 8);
while ((tf - wp) != 0)
*wp++ = 's';
you are filling the doc
array with char 's'
and which is over writing '\t'
also, so the above loop is going to infinite.