I am using AVAudioplayer to play some audio files. I have some controls like forward and rewind.
Rewind is working properly but forward is not.
- (void)rewind
AVAudioPlayer *player = _rewTimer.userInfo;
player.currentTime-= SKIP_TIME;
[_rewTimer invalidate];
[self updateCurrentTime];
- (void)ffwd
AVAudioPlayer *player = _ffwTimer.userInfo;
player.currentTime-= SKIP_TIME;
[player setCurrentTime:cTime];
[_ffwTimer invalidate];
[self updateCurrentTime];
As soon as I click on forward button, the audio file just begins playing from the start.
I have followed the sample app avTouch from Apple.
you might have done the property declaration of AVAudioPlayer *player; in the h file and also synthesised it. Now for forward, just do,
- (void)ffwd
NSTimeInterval *time = [player currentTime];
[player setCurrentTime:time];
do similarly for rewind+
- (void)ffwd{
NSTimeInterval time = avPlayer.currentTime;
if (time > avPLayer.duration)
//nothing to do
[player setCurrentTime:time];
this one seems the better way, also for rewind compare to 0 instead of duration