I have created a web service in gsoap, but server does not accept requests. There is no error, but i dont understand why it does not accept requests from client. I am pasting my client and server code here.
EnrollmentServiceSOAPProxy proxy;
_ns1__performRequest *req = new _ns1__performRequest();
_ns1__performRequestResponse *res = new _ns1__performRequestResponse();
if(proxy.performRequest(req, res) == SOAP_OK)
print "OK" // pseudo code for print.
print "Not Ok"
Server Code:
int __ns1__performRequest(soap *, _ns1__performRequest *ns1__performRequest, _ns1__performRequestResponse *ns1__performRequestResponse)
ns1__performRequestResponse->jobID = "1011";
return SOAP_OK;
The server is listening on localhost. but the request does not reach the server.
This is the WSDL file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2sdv51qmttp7vb/EnrollmentService.wsdl
I debugged the code, but it did not help me.
It happend with me before. In service definition i used different port, while the server was listening to different port. This seems your problem too.