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How to assert that collection contains only one element with given property value?

How do I assert that collection contains only one element with given property value?

For example:

class Node
  private readonly string myName;
  public Node(string name)
    myName = name;
  public string Name { get; set; }

public void Test()
  var array = new[]{ new Node("1"), new Node("2"), new Node("1")};
  Assert.That(array, Has.Some.Property("Name").EqualTo("1"));
  Assert.That(array, Has.None.Property("Name").EqualTo("1"));

  // and how to assert that node with Name="1" is single?
  Assert.That(array, Has.???Single???.Property("Name").EqualTo("1"));


  • 1: You can use Has.Exactly() constraint:

    Assert.That(array, Has.Exactly(1).Property("Name").EqualTo("1"));

    But note since Property is get by reflection, you will get runtime error in case property "Name" will not exist.

    2: (Recommended) However, it would be better to get property by a predicate rather than a string. In case property name will not exist, you will get a compile error:

    Assert.That(array, Has.Exactly(1).Matches<Node>(x => x.Name == "1"));    

    3: Alternatively, you can rely on Count method:

    Assert.That(array.Count(x => x.Name == "1"), Is.EqualTo(1));