CodeIgniters' Security Class directly manipulates your Globals such as $_POST
and it finds file()
and file ()
to be a threat so it HTML encodes it.
// config.php from my apps folder is the culprit
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;
Do-It-Yourself (the few, the brave)
In CodeIgniter 2.1.4 go to system/core/security.php
and line #430-442:
* Sanitize naughty scripting elements
* Similar to above, only instead of looking for
* tags it looks for PHP and JavaScript commands
* that are disallowed. Rather than removing the
* code, it simply converts the parenthesis to entities
* rendering the code un-executable.
* For example: eval('some code')
* Becomes: eval('some code')
$str = preg_replace('#(alert|cmd|passthru|eval|exec|expression|system|fopen|fsockopen|file|file_get_contents|readfile|unlink)(\s*)\((.*?)\)#si', "\\1\\2(\\3)", $str);
Basically, it seems as though either PHP or Apache sees file ()
or file()
as a threat.
Has anyone experienced this before or have documentation resources as to why this occurs?
Can anyone test this on their server to see if they experience the same behavior? I have tested this on both my Development and Testing machines. I have not had a chance to test on the Production machine because our clients connect to it.
<input name="q1" type="text" value="Profile (61) (D)">
<input name="q2" type="text" value="(61) (D)">
<input name="q3" type="text" value="file (61)">
<input name="q4" type="text" value="fil (61)">
<input name="q5" type="text" value="file ()">
<input name="q6" type="text" value="file()">
JS - probably irrelevant
url: '/test_post'
,async: true
,cache: false
,type: 'POST'
,data: {
q1: $('input[name="q1"]').val(),
q2: $('input[name="q2"]').val(),
q3: $('input[name="q3"]').val(),
q4: $('input[name="q4"]').val(),
q5: $('input[name="q5"]').val(),
q6: $('input[name="q6"]').val()
,dataType: 'json'
,success: function(data){
Network - Headers tab in Chrome - Form Data section
q1: Profile (61) (D)
q2: (61) (D)
q3: file (61)
q4: fil (61)
q5: file ()
q6: file()
PHP - CodeIgniter 2.1.4 Framework
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q1'].'</pre>'; // produces: Profile (61) (D)
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q2'].'</pre>'; // produces: (61) (D)
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q3'].'</pre>'; // produces: file (61)
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q4'].'</pre>'; // produces: fil (61)
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q5'].'</pre>'; // produces: file ()
echo '<pre>'.$_POST['q6'].'</pre>'; // produces: file()
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q1']).'</pre>'; // produces: Profile (61) (D)
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q2']).'</pre>'; // produces: (61) (D)
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q3']).'</pre>'; // produces: file (61)
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q4']).'</pre>'; // produces: fil (61)
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q5']).'</pre>'; // produces: file ()
echo '<pre>'.html_entity_decode($_POST['q6']).'</pre>'; // produces: file()
// Both of these produce same exact result
echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST, true).'</pre>';
echo '<pre>'.print_r($this->input->post(), true).'</pre>';
According to the user guide, you can get rid of this by setting
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = FALSE;
Or just remove this line.
IMHO, it's a design failure to modify the $_POST
array, but there you go.