I get the above error message from dovecot, if I try to rename a IMAP folder (with thunderbird)
Renaming not supported across conflicting directory permissions
if I try to rename "foo" to "foobar"
Here are the directories:
guettli@hz1:/var/spool/mail/guettli/familie/max$ ls -ld foo .
drwxr-sr-x 11 guettli guettli 4096 Nov 9 21:54 .
drwx--S--- 5 guettli guettli 4096 Sep 12 20:42 foo
Which permissions are correct?
The folder has to match its parent folder's permissions.
Strictly speaking the permissions refer to IMAP permissions, not unix, but I don't think the two are different in this case.
(Btw, I think this is actually a bug in the server. The code appears not to implement what the relevant comment describes. But change the folder's permissions to match those of its parents, and all will be well.)