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Insert page break every nth row

I have been trying to insert page breaks every n rows in LibreOffice Calc. I have tried a macro which doesn't seem to work:

  For MY_ROWS = 50 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row Step 50
     ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Range("A" & MY_ROWS)
  Next MY_ROWS
End Sub

I get a sub-procedure or function not defined error for the above code.

Any ideas how I can do this more easily?


  • Inserting page breaks in LibreOffice Calc sheets works a little bit different than in MS Office VBA. With LibreOffice Basic (or Basic), you insert a (horizontal) page break by setting the row's IsStartOfNewPage property to true. To access every nth row, you could simply use ThisComponent.Sheets(0).Row(n).

    So, combining this in a LibreOffice Basic macro, the result could look like this:

    sub pagebreak
    rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    rem define variables
    Dim Sheet As Object
    Dim Cell As Object   
    Sheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
    for i = 10 to 100 Step 10
        Sheet.Rows(i).IsStartOfNewPage = true
    next i
    end sub

    This macro just inserts a manual page break after each 10th row (notice that the first row is Rows(0), so Rows(10) is row # 11), up to row 101 of the current sheet. You can easily adjust that code to fit your needs (max. number of rows etc).