I'm having an extremely difficult time editing some Excel files using PHP and python.
I originally did everything in PHP using PHPExcel, but I was processing very large files and PHPExcel crashed when it ran out of memory. So I changed it to do some work using PHP and do the rest using python.
So the process is:
python upload.py Example.xls data.xml
called by PHPThe problem I'm having is that if the python script modifies a regular .xls file that I created by hand, it works perfectly. But once PHP excel modifies the Excel file, the python script produces the following error:
_locate_stream(Workbook): seen
0 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
100= 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
120 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 2
File "upload.py", line 63, in <module>
workbook_readonly = open_workbook(excel,formatting_info=True,on_demand=True)
File "/home/student/eamorde/public_html/dining/xlrd/__init__.py", line 435, in open_workbook
File "/home/student/eamorde/public_html/dining/xlrd/book.py", line 87, in open_workbook_xls
File "/home/student/eamorde/public_html/dining/xlrd/book.py", line 619, in biff2_8_load
File "/home/student/eamorde/public_html/dining/xlrd/compdoc.py", line 390, in locate_named_stream
d.tot_size, qname, d.DID+6)
File "/home/student/eamorde/public_html/dining/xlrd/compdoc.py", line 418, in _locate_stream
raise CompDocError("%s corruption: seen[%d] == %d" % (qname, s, self.seen[s]))
xlrd.compdoc.CompDocError: Workbook corruption: seen[2] == 4
So I dug through the source code of xlrd and found the line that is producing the error:
def _locate_stream(self, mem, base, sat, sec_size, start_sid, expected_stream_size, qname, seen_id):
# print >> self.logfile, "_locate_stream", base, sec_size, start_sid, expected_stream_size
s = start_sid
if s < 0:
raise CompDocError("_locate_stream: start_sid (%d) is -ve" % start_sid)
p = -99 # dummy previous SID
start_pos = -9999
end_pos = -8888
slices = []
tot_found = 0
found_limit = (expected_stream_size + sec_size - 1) // sec_size
while s >= 0:
if self.seen[s]:
print("_locate_stream(%s): seen" % qname, file=self.logfile); dump_list(self.seen, 20, self.logfile)
raise CompDocError("%s corruption: seen[%d] == %d" % (qname, s, self.seen[s]))
The last line is the one raising the exception:
raise CompDocError("%s corruption: seen[%d] == %d" % (qname, s, self.seen[s]))
Can anyone explain this? The file is not corrupted in that opening it in Excel works fine, but xlrd seems to be unable to read it.
My PHP script does the following (rough sketch):
$phpExcel = new PHPExcel();
$file = "MyFile.xls";
$reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5();
$phpExcel = $reader->load($file);
//(... insert rows based on xml)
$writer = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5();
exec("python upload.py MyFile.xls data.xml");
If anyone knows why this might be happening or even a better solution to my problems (PHPExcel memory issues) it would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: The source code for the file that's raising the error can be found here.
Edit: I created an example, basically took my excel file and removed any identifying information. To try it yourself, see the gist here.
I got same error with one of my .xls
files (excel can open them just fine, but xlrd fails). As I guess Compdoc.seen
array keeps track of already read "FAT" sectors. In my case Root Entry reading block (SSCS) gets all that sectors marked as seen, leading to exception raise in future. U can try to find the bug in sectors reading logic and contribute to xlrd :) or just comment this lines with exception raise which will likely solve problem in your case (As did in mine) and wait for xlrd update.