From reading the Apple docs [1], an app gets an updated receipt when it is downloaded, updated, or in-app purchases are restored. Is there ever a case where it won't exist at all?
Some specific cases where it is not clear:
The reason for the question is to understand how many of an app's users might see the login prompt when the app has to retrieve the receipt from the server. And related how many users might hit an issue as they are offline when this happens.
[1] WWDC 2013 Session 308: Unified Receipt on iOS7 and OSX (only available to registered developers)
Answering this question: Is there ever a case where it won't exist at all?
From this bit of the same presentation, I would conclude that there is a case where it might not exist, I haven't been able to find however, a case where the receipt won't exist. (See below)
If a user installs an app on iOS6 and then updates to iOS7 will the receipt be missing?
If a user restores a backup..