This can be a very simple question but I don't understand why it behaves that way. When I invoke
lockfile-create --use-pid --retry 0 /tmp/my_lock_file
it returns 0, and next time it runs it returns some other code(4) as expected since it has already created the lock file. But when I wrap that same code in a bash script file, it always returns 0 as the exit code. Does someone know why it does not work?
Update: Complete bash file content
#! /bin/bash
lockfile-create --use-pid --retry 0 $LOCK
echo "Lock file creation status $LOCK_CREATED"
and this is how I run it ./
But when I wrap that same code in a bash script file, it always returns 0 as the exit code.
This is because when you execute the script again, the PID of the process executing the script has changed. As such, the --use-pid
flag causes lockfile-create
into thinking that the lock file needs to be overwritten.
Depending upon your use case, you might want to get rid of the --user-pid
flag. However, in that case you'd need to ensure that you clean up the lock file yourself.
Quoting from man lockfile-create
-p, --use-pid
Write the parent process id (PPID) to the lockfile whenever a lock‐
file is created, and use that pid when checking a lock's validity.
See the lockfile_create(3) manpage for more information. This
option applies to lockfile-create and lockfile-check. NOTE: this
option will not work correctly between machines sharing a filesys‐
You can verify the behaviour you're observing by attempting to create the log file again within the same script:
#! /bin/bash
lockfile-create --use-pid --retry 0 $LOCK
echo "Lock file creation status $LOCK_CREATED"
lockfile-create --use-pid --retry 0 $LOCK
echo "Lock file creation status $LOCK_CREATED"