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using popupmenu in uitable in matlab

I have created a uitable consists of, say, four columns.

colu={{'Sweet' 'Beautiful' 'Caring'},'numeric', 'numeric','numeric'}
dat={1 2 3 []; 4 5 6 []; 7 8 9 []};
A=uitable('outerposition',[0 0 1 1],'ColumnFormat',colu,'Data',dat);

What I wanted to do now is that when the code is run, and I choose 'Sweet' in the pop-up in the first cell, the cell (1,4) displays dat(1,1), or when I choose 'Beautiful' in the second cell in the first column, the cell (2,4) displays dat(2,1). Unlike in a popupmenu outside a uitable, I am not able to use get(popup,"value').

How could I possibly do what I wanted to? Thanks in advance!


  • You'll have to use the CellEditCallback property, which is a global callback that gets triggered when any cell is edited. There are no callbacks you can set on individual cells.

    A pseudo-code template that should get you started:

    function cellEditCallback(hTable, editEvent)
        % get changed index
        changedIndex = editEvent.Indices;
        if changedIndex is a popup-cell:
            % check new value
            newValue = editEvent.NewData;
            % set data in appropriate cell to corresponding value

    As an aside, the columnFormat in the example does not match the data. It specifies column 1 as a popup-column, while according to your data, it should be column 4. I also had to change [] to '' to make the popup work and set('ColumnEditable', logical([0,0,0,1])).

    See e.g.

    for a more comprehensive example uitable application.