I tried to dynamically create a new instance of a class like this:
this.componentClass.newInstance(new Symbol(''), [this, el]).reflectee;
The class reflected in this.componentClass is called ButtonComponent
and it is a subclass of Component. When running a test on this, I get an error:
Test failed: Caught No constructor 'ButtonComponent.' declared in class 'ButtonComponent'.
NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'ButtonComponent.'
Receiver: Type: class 'ButtonComponent' Arguments: [...]
There are default constructors in both Component and ButtonComponent classes. Here is the code, to make sure I didn't miss anything:
class Component {
Element element ;
Template template;
Component(this.template, this.element) {
this.element.replaceWith(new Element.html(template.html));
class ButtonComponent extends Component {
ButtonComponent(template, element) : super(template, element) {};
Any ideas what is wrong here? Thank you.
I just made a similar test in and I don't get this error. If you don't use the last stable version of Dart you should update your version.
Here's my tested code :
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Component {
Element element ;
Component(this.element) {
this.element.children.add(new Element.html("<b>Dart rocks</b>"));
class ButtonComponent extends Component {
ButtonComponent(element) : super(element);
main() {
final a = reflectClass(ButtonComponent).newInstance(new Symbol(''),
print(a); // display : Instance of 'ButtonComponent'