I am using near about 300 font all of 300 working good on local host but when i upload on server they not work.I am using .ttf and .otf file extinctions. Bellow is my sample code.
/*8Bit font */
@font-face { font-family: 8_bit_1_6 Regular; src: url('fonts/8bit16.TTF'); }
@font-face { font-family: Pixelic War; src: url('fonts/Pixelic War.TTF'); }
@font-face { font-family: PKMN Pinball; src: url('fonts/PKMN-Pinball.TTF'); }
@font-face { font-family: TerrabloX; src: url('fonts/TerrabloX.TTF'); }
i got the solution there is issue with file extensions.my old file extension was .TTF ,.OTF now i am using .ttf , .otf .some time it not work for specific file then use .TTF ,.OTF and remove space, - from file names its working now better .