I tried controlling the servo with softPwm using the wiringPi Library but this made the servo stutter. Therefore I want to use the hardware PWM pin on the Raspberry Pi (GPIO18) with the wiringPi library. But I don't understand how to set the frequency to 50 Hz and change the duty cycle to have a pulse width ranging from 0.8 ms to 2.5 ms.
I found the following relationship on the internet (i dont know if it is correct):
pwmFrequency in Hz = 19.2e6 Hz / pwmClock / pwmRange.
i know the clock divisor max value is something around 4000 and the Raspberry Pi PWM clock has a base frequency of 19.2 MHz. so this gives me ~4,8KHz.
i already got these settings which should give me ~50Hz using the following relationship:
//put PWM in mark-space mode, which will give you
//the traditional (and easily predictable) PWM
//setting ping GPIO 18 as a pwm output
//Set clock divisor to 4000
pwmSetRange (10) ;
I dont got a oscilloscope to test the output signal to check what setting changes what. this makes it hard to find it out myself.
Long story short: Can anyone tell me how I can achieve a duty cycle with a pulse width of 0,8ms to 2,1ms for controlling a servo using the hardware PWM on the Raspberry Pi.
How about using RPIO instead? Here's the link to the library: http://pythonhosted.org/RPIO/index.html
Here's the PWM example: http://pythonhosted.org/RPIO/pwm_py.html And you may also use the C source directly: https://github.com/metachris/RPIO/tree/master/source/c_pwm