I know that Google support password-less GAE app uploads using appcfg.{sh,cmd], as described here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/tools/uploadinganapp#Passwordless_Login_with_OAuth2
However, I would like to know if I can do the same using Google's official Maven GAE plugin. There is a goal called appengine:update
that is used for uploading the local GAE app to the cloud. However, I cannot find information anywhere as to whether this will support OAuth2. Anyone know how I can combine OAuth2 and this Maven plugin?
The reason why is because I am using Jenkins to build my project and I would much rather prefer to upload my application automatically using a Maven goal during the build instead of running a script (more complex than Maven goal) as a post-build step.
It seems that it have been improved in recent versions of GAE Maven plugin (no appcfg invocation necessary). It is enough to invoke:
mvn clean appengine:update
if there is no ~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java it will pop your browser, and will ask for credential to Google Account. After successful authentication you are presented with OAuth2 token. Paste it in the terminal window, where you invoked mvn and you're done.