fact :: Int -> Int
fact n
|n < 0 = 0
|n == 0 = 1
|n > 0 && n `mod` 2 == 1 = fact (n-1) * n
|n > 0 && n `mod` 2 == 0 = n-1
When I enter an odd number for example: fact 5 will give 15, as it should 1 * 3 * 5 = 15. However I realized that if I do fact 7 or any other odd number, it only multiplies the first two odd numbers. How do I get the function to multiply all the odd numbers and not just the first 2. Eg. fact 7 = 35 (ie. 3 * 5). Also note, that if an even number is entered, it will work out the factorial of all the odd numbers up until and not including the even number.
You're problem is that your case for an even number is n-1
, which means that when you get to an odd number you're really just doing
n * (n - 1 - 1)
When what you want is
n * n-2 * n-4 ...
So try this instead
fact :: Integer -> Integer -- Overflows
fact n
|n < 0 = 0
|n == 0 || n == 1 = 1
|n `mod` 2 == 1 = fact (n-2) * n
|n `mod` 2 == 0 = fact (n-1)
I also took the liberty of removing some redundant logic. Here we decrement by two if it's odd, so 5 -> 3. And in the even case we decrement by one to end up on an odd number and that recurse on that.