I have an image with a map of two clickable areas. These work as expected on firefox and chrome. In IE, the cursor doesn't change to the 'hand'. I am able to click and navigate fine. So most things seem alright. The only thing that doesn't happen is the change of cursor into the 'hand'. Any idea what I am missing?
<td><img id="shop-icon-image" src="img3/shop-icon.png" usemap="#shopiconmap" />
<map name="shopiconmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="3,75,43,88" href="http://domain/page" />
<area shape="rect" coords="44,75,82,88" href="http://domain/page" />
Got past this after 4 non productive hours :(
A reset stylesheet I was using had a 'body{cursor:default}' in it. But this shouldn't have been an issue because I had the 'area {cursor:pointer}' defined. But IE isn't overriding this. Seems like a bug to me. In the developer toolbar the cursor:default is struck across indicating that it has been overridden but in reality its not. Taking that line out (cursor:default) is what fixed it. phew!