I'm new to Windows batch programming and to Stack Overflow, so please forgive me if I ask anything that's blatantly obvious to you seasoned, talented folks. I'm using Windows batch (.bat) to find files containing a certain string using findstr
. However, I'm trying to skip certain folders within a directory.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set basedir=C:\folder
for /f %%g in ('dir /a:-h /b %basedir% ^| findstr /v "Projects" ^| findstr /v "Archive"') do (
findstr /i /m /s /c:"request" %basedir%\%%g *.* > %basedir%\Projects\list.txt
When I look in list.txt, the file output from findstr
, I find that the folders I told it not to search were searched. That is, the output looks like this:
If it had worked correctly, only C:\folder\somefile.rtf
and C:\folder\Requests\anotherfile.rtf
would have been included in list.txt. To test the looping code, I used the following:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set basedir=C:\folder
for /f %%g in ('dir /a:-h /b %basedir% ^| findstr /v "Projects" ^| findstr /v "Archive"') do (
echo %basedir%\%%g
That code works as desired; it skips the Projects and Archive folders. I assume that the problem has something to do with how I'm calling findstr
but I haven't been able to identify the error of my ways. Any insight would be much appreciated!
Thanks so much!
The FINDSTR /S option is causing it to search all folders, thus bypassing the intent of your FOR loop.
Stephan did successfully diagnose another problem with your code regarding redirection using overwrite instead of append mode.
But there is a much simpler method to get your desired result. Simply let FINDSTR search all folders, and pipe the result to an additional FINDSTR to remove results containing the unwanted folders. Since there is no loop, you can safely use owverwrite mode for redirection.
findstr /misl request "%basedir%\*" | findstr /liv "\\projects\\ \\archive\\" >"%basedir%\Projects\list.txt"
The above simple solution will waste time searching folders that will later get excluded. This could waste valuable time if those folders are huge.
The following script will not bother scanning the "%basedir%\Projects" or "%basedir%\Archive" folders.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set basedir=C:\folder
>"%basedir%\Projects\list.txt" (
findstr /mil request "%basedir%\*"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in (
'dir /a:d-h /b %basedir% ^| findstr /vixl "projects archive"'
) do findstr /smil request "%basedir%\%%F\*"
If you want to skip all folders named "Projects" or "Archive", regardless where they appear in the tree, then:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set basedir=C:\folder
>"%basedir%\Projects\list.txt" (
findstr /mil request "%basedir%\*"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in (
'dir /s /a:d-h /b %basedir% ^| findstr /vir "[\\]projects[\\] [\\]archive[\\] [\\]projects$ [\\]archive$"'
) do findstr /mil request "%%F\*"