Search code examples

Specifying the search path for "load" operations in ghci

In Loading source files it states that the search path for finding source files is specified with the -i option :

ghci -idir1:...:dirn

Does this mean that when one performs :

:load test.hs

then ghci looks in the directories above for test.hs? I saw the response at Problem Specifying Source Directory to GHC but I am still not clear about this.

For example in Windows XP I put test.hs in :

C:\Documents and Settings\winuser\My Documents

and then ran :

ghci -iC:\Documents and Settings\winuser\My Documents

However upon doing :load test.hs, ghci complained about not being able to find the file.

[EDIT 1]

I want to avoid using :cd because it unloads all loaded modules, which prevents me from loading files from multiple locations

[EDIT 2 : response to jozefg]

module A where
myaddA x y = x+y

module B where
myaddB x y = x+y

Then I can do the following :

Prelude> :cd C:\A
Prelude> :load A
[1 of 1] Compiling A                ( A.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: A.
*A> myaddA 2 3
*A> :cd C:\B
Warning: changing directory causes all loaded modules to be unloaded,
because the search path has changed.
Prelude> :load B
[1 of 1] Compiling B                ( B.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: B.
*B> myaddB 3 4

However I haven't found a way to make modules A and B simultaneously available when the modules are stored in files in different locations

[EDIT 3 : response to jozefg]

temp  temp2
>more temp/A.hs
module A where
addA = (+)
>more temp2/B.hs
module B where
addB = (+)
>cd temp
>ghci -i../temp2
GHCi, version 7.6.3:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import A B

<interactive>:1:10: parse error on input `B'

[EDIT 4 : response to jozefg]

temp  temp2
>more temp/A.hs
module A where
addA = (+)
>more temp2/B.hs
module B where
addB = (+)
>cd temp
>ghci -i../temp2
GHCi, version 7.6.3:  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import A

<no location info>:
    Could not find module `A'
    It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.
Prelude> import B

<no location info>:
    Could not find module `B'
    It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.


  • The load path is how GHCi searches for modules. So if you named your module Test.hs and added

     module Test where

    Than you can do

     > :load Test

    otherwise you can use

     > :cd SomeDirectory
     > :load test.hs

    Response to edit:

    (Warning, I run eshell so the commands/paths look different)

    ~         $ mkdir temp
    ~         $ mkdir temp/temp temp/temp2
    temp      $ find-file temp/A.hs
    -- In A.hs
    module A where
    addA = (+)
    temp      $ find-file temp2/B.hs
    -- In B.hs
    module B where
    addB = (+)
    temp      $ cd temp
    temp/temp $ ghci -i../temp2
    > :load A B
    > import B

    And now I have access to both A and B.