I am integrating licensed version of flat-ui-pro with my Rails app.
For this, I am using 'designmodo-flatuipro-rails' gem
My environments are:-
OS - Windows7 32-bit
Ruby - 1.9.3p327
Rails - 4.0.0
twitter-bootstrap-rails - 2.2.8
jquery-ui-rails - 4.0.5
designmodo-flatuipro-rails -
I have generated "bootstrap_and_overrides.css" file by bootstrap generator at location "app/assets/stylesheets/". I am not using ".less" files for bootstrap.
I am also not getting Cannot detect twitter-bootstrap-rails install
and Invalid Flat UI Pro directory
error while running the flatUI generating command. It means I am inside the right FlatUI directory.
When I run the flat-ui-pro generate command rails g flatuipro:install ./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4
, It is throwing a error
Could not find "./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4/css/flat-ui.css" in any of yo ur source paths. Your current source paths are: C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/designmodo-flatuipro-rails- ators/flatuipro/install/templates
I am getting the same error while passing the FlatUI directory containing PSD and HTML both.
I am not understanding why generator can not recognizing flat-ui.css
in the right directory.
I used differ version of gem "designmodo-flatuipro-rails", "~>"
with the other version of FlatUI-Pro directory (1.2.2) but also getting the same error.
This is tree of FlatUiPro directory:-
Please reply with good suggestions. Thanks.
After getting stuck very much, I found the solution.
I was hitting command in cmd-prompt:-
rails g flatuipro:install ./FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4
It will work with Mac/Ubuntu OS as creator of flatui-gem explained in the issue created on github <<Link of Github Issue>>
In Windows, it is mandatory to put the flatui directory out of the project folder.
For example:-
My FlatUIPro directory saved in "D:" drive, so my command will be
rails g flatuipro:install D:/FlatUI
rails g flatuipro:install D:/FlatUI/HTML/UI/Flat-UI-Pro-1.1.4