When I share an url of my website on Facebook, Facebook retrieve link, url and image.
When I do this with the sharer on my website, the image is never shown
Code of my sharer:
<a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[url]=http://www.kedgebs.com/fr/actualites/sywoc-lequipage-kedge-business-school-champion-du-monde&p[title]=SYWoC : L’équipage KEDGE Business School champion du Monde !', 'Partager', 'width=550,height=300');return false;">Facebook</a>
In my page I have:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.kedgebs.com/sites/default/files/voile_0.jpg" />
Example page : http://www.kedgebs.com/fr/actualites/sywoc-lequipage-kedge-business-school-champion-du-monde
I have no error in the Facebook debuger and it find the og:image
What did I miss?
You don't need to provide all of those parameters to sharer.php
if you already have implemented the og:tags
. The URL is enough. You should try to use something like this:
Just provide the URL and let Facebook go out to that link and fetch all the data within the og:tags
you have placed there.