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UML Drawing of Presentation Logic, Screen Navigation, Validation

How do you draw presentation logic, screen navigation and validation logic of controls in UML?

When a new screen is needed or existing screen is modified, I use MS Paint to get the new screen layout approved. I find myself in this situation of how best to draw presentation logic, screen navigation and validation logic of controls.

I currently use Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram, and put the hyperlink next to the controls and put a link between these two (control and hyperlink).

Please let me know how can I improve upon and represent these pieces in a better way.

I work in windows based application.


  • Notwithstanding whether it belongs here or not, a couple of possibilities:

    • IFML, the Interaction Flow Modeling Language. Recently adopted UML notation for modelling user interface flow & content
    • Jesse James Garrett's visual vocabulary which covers similar ground, albeit isn't endorsed by the OMG or any other standards body afaik.

    hope that helps.