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Using CSCore lib to get an MP3 file sample data and information

I would like to use the library NReplayGain to calculate the replaygayn of an MP3 file and then use TagLibSharp library (with the non-official opensource replaygain support modifications) to write the ID3v2 replaygain tags into the file.

Well, this should be the pseudo-code to calculate the replaygain of a sampleset using the NReplayGain lib as they website indicates:

Dim trackGain As New TrackGain(samplerate, samplesize)

For Each sampleSet As SampleSet In track
    trackGain.AnalyzeSamples(sampleSet.leftSamples, sampleSet.rightSamples)

Dim gain As Double = trackGain.GetGain()
Dim peak As Double = trackGain.GetPeak()

(...But If i need to be honest I don't know exactly what is a SampleSet (all the frames joined?))

before trying to calculate the ReplayGain of the sampleset I need to get the necessary data that I need to pass to the code above so I need to get the samplerate, SampleSet, leftSamples and rightSamples of an MP3 file.

I need a full code example of how I can retrieve those data using NAudio lib or any other kind of lib which could do it.

The reason why I'm asking for a full code is because with less I know that I couldn't do it by myself, I've touched before the NAudio library a little for other things and is extremelly hard for me, it seems that the libray was written just for Audio Master programmers and Audio guru's, don't have any of easy.


  • Never heard about a "sampleset". But as I can see so far, a sampleset just contains samples of the left and right channel. You could use CSCore to access all samples of a track in a quite easy way:

    Option Strict On
    Imports CSCore
    Imports CSCore.Codecs
    Module Test
        Sub Main()
            Dim source As IWaveSource = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec("C:\Temp\test.mp3")
            Dim sampleSource As ISampleSource = source.ToSampleSource()
            Dim sampleBuffer(source.WaveFormat.SampleRate * source.WaveFormat.Channels) As Single
            Dim sampleRate As Integer = source.WaveFormat.SampleRate
            Dim channelCount As Short = source.WaveFormat.Channels
            Dim read As Integer
            Dim leftSamples As New List(Of Single)
            Dim rightSamples As New List(Of Single)
                'now iterate through the sampleBuffer
                For i = 0 To read Step channelCount
                    If channelCount = 1 Then 'mono
                    ElseIf channelCount = 2 Then
                        rightSamples.Add(sampleBuffer(i + 1))
                        Throw New NotSupportedException("3 or more channels are not supported.")
                    End If
            Loop While read > 0
            'now you've got all samples in a range of -1 to 1
            'do what ever you need to do with them
        End Sub
    End Module