I found this post http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/deployment/packaging.htm#BABCACBD
Can you tell me how I can use this tool to convert css files into bss files? From the information on the web site it's not very clear how I can use it for JavaFX application.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Let's imagine your jdk 8 home bin directory is on your shell path.
Create Love.java:
import javafx.stage.*;
import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
public class Love extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Scene scene = new Scene(new Label("hello, world"));
Compile it:
javac Love.java
Create love.css:
.label { -fx-text-fill: firebrick; }
Compile it:
javafxpackager -createbss -srcfiles love.css -outdir . -outfile love
This will create love.bss
Now you can delete love.css
as you don't need it anymore as you have made binary love.
Now run your app:
java Love
Even though you requested love.css
, the JavaFX runtime was smart enough to recognize that you have a binary love.bss
and use that to apply css styles to your app.