Fixed position breaks on header when I click on the "Search Form" text box field. It simply detaches from the top of the page (as it's fixed up there) and starts floating middle of the page when the virtual keyboard opens up.
I really like this solution ( I packaged it up into a little jQuery plugin so I could:
Code example:
$.fn.mobileFix = function (options) {
var $parent = $(this),
.on('focus', options.inputElements, function(e) {
.on('blur', options.inputElements, function(e) {
// Fix for some scenarios where you need to start scrolling
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
return this; // Allowing chaining
// Only on touch devices
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$("body").mobileFix({ // Pass parent to apply to
inputElements: "input,textarea,select", // Pass activation child elements
addClass: "fixfixed" // Pass class name
EDIT: Removed unnecessary element