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WPF DataGrid Style Change

I have the following XAML for a custom DataGrid:

    Style="{StaticResource MetroDataGrid}" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Resources, 
    AttachedCommand:CommandBehavior.Command="{Binding DynamicColumnTargetChangedCommand}">

I am styling the control according to MahAppsMetro and the grid looks great. However, when I change the applications 'theme'/'accent' all windows change color and all MahAppsMetro controls also change but the DataGrid that I have detailed above does not.

The DataGrid is styled as a MetroDataGrid, so why isn't this control being updated, and what do I have to do to get it to update the 'theme'/'accent' color for this control?

Thanks for your time.


  • Themes only work on CustomControls. In order to provide different 'skins' for controls, you need to have a CustomControlLibrary project with a XAML file named generic.xaml.

    You can find a short basic description in the Themes/generic.xaml page on Martins' 10 blog, or if you prefer more depth, you can find a complete description in the Control Authoring Overview page on MSDN.