Is it possible to display fields from nested link-entities in a view?
I have 3 entities: statistics, account, and address. Statistics has a lookup to Account and account has a lookup to Address. I want fields from all these entities in the Statistics view.
I have tried this and get an error: To use this saved view, you must remove criteria and columns that refer to deleted or no-searchable items.
<grid name="resultset" object="10008" jump="sl_name" select="1" preview="1" icon="1">
<row name="result" id="sl_statisticsid">
<cell name="sl_amount" width="100" />
<cell name="sl_date" width="100" />
<cell name="sl_debtor" width="100" />
<cell name="sl_divisioncode" width="100" />
<cell name="sl_source" width="100" />
<cell name="sl_statstype" width="100" />
<cell name="relatedAccount.wl_towncity" width="100"/>
<cell name="relatedAccount.relatedAddress.wl_city" width="100" />
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical">
<entity name="sl_statistics">
<order attribute="sl_amount" descending="false" />
<attribute name="sl_statstype" />
<attribute name="sl_source" />
<attribute name="sl_divisioncode" />
<attribute name="sl_debtor" />
<attribute name="sl_date" />
<attribute name="sl_amount" />
<link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="sl_debtor" alias="relatedAccount">
<attribute name="wl_towncity" />
<link-entity name="wl_postalcode" from="wl_postalcodeid" to="wl_postaltowncity" alias="relatedAddress">
<attribute name="wl_city" />
<attribute name="sl_statisticsid" />
<LocalizedName description="Statistics and Address" languagecode="1033" />
If this line is removed then the view works:
<cell name="relatedAddress.wi_city" width="100" disableSorting="0" />
Does anyone know how to reference an element from a nested link-entity in the GridXML?
I have also tried this for the offending line:
<cell name="relatedAccount.relatedAddress.wi_city" width="100" disableSorting="0" />
It is starting to look like it is not possible to have a view that displays fields from nested link-entities.
This is not possible, according to the best of my knowledge, but please someone prove me wrong.
A limitation of GridXML appears to be that attributes can only be included that are from the first link-entity, not any nested link-entities.