For my class project I have to construct a Trie. My professor insists that each node contain a linked list, but I do not understand why. Why can I not just put a linked list in the root? Wouldn't putting a linked list in each node be redundant? Also, how many nodes do I put in each node's linked list?
My professor would like to see the following fields in our node constructor:
(1) A leading character (possibly empty (for root))
(2) String Label (possibly null (for root))
(3) Boolean IsWord , indicating whether the current node represents a whole word or not (this is helpful when one word may be a prefix of another).
(4) Node *RightSIbling
(5) Node *FirstChild
Also, I am well aware that there are other viable Trie implementations that do not require a linked list, but my professor insists we learn this specific method first.
A trie is essentially two linked lists. A (vertical) link to it's left-most child and a (horizontal) link to it's right sibling. The order of the sibling list is alphabetical, so you can search.
Words: as, at, and
/ | \
s t n
Using your structure:
Root node:
Node {
char: a
isWord: false
rightSibling: null
firstChild: Node[s]
Root's first (left-most) child:
Node {
char: s
isWord: true
rightSibling: Node[t]
firstChild: null
Node[s]'s right sibling
Node {
char: t
isWord: true
rightSibling: Node[n]
firstChild: null
Node[t]'s right sibling
Node {
char: n
isWord: false
rightSibling: Node[n]
firstChild: Node[d]
Node[n]'s first child:
Node {
char: d
isWord: true
rightSibling: null
firstChild: null