I've looked all over for the Google answer to this, but no joy. What I'd like to do is mix and match Teacup and ProMotion for tables. The overall table is pretty easy. Just add this to the hash for the data element in the table_data
stylename: :leg_cell
Teacup::Stylesheet.new :main_screen do
style :leg_cell,
backgroundColor: UIColor.colorWithRed(238, green:238, blue:238, alpha: 1),
textColor: UIColor.greenColor
style UITableViewLabel,
textColor: UIColor.greenColor
for the stylesheet. But... UITableViewLabel
is being ignored and there's this:
Symbiote tells me this is a UITableViewLabel, but I'm not seeing a way to style it. Also, Teacup offers these neat:
layout do
# things here to add styled subviews
things that are very similar to the subview adding thingies in ProMotion. How (well) do these coexist?
Any hints on how to get that tableview label styled green? And perhaps even use TeaCup to add some custom UILabels?
Note: I know the green is awful, but I'm using it just to demonstrate that I've got the right element styled. I'll pick something more tasteful once I'm getting the styling correct.
I would recommend subclassing PM::TableViewCell (which is a subclass of UITableViewCell) and applying your Teacup styling in there.
class MyTableViewCell < PM::TableViewCell
attr_accessor :mileage_label
stylesheet :main_screen
def layoutSubviews
layout do
# Subviews
# Apply `self.mileage_label` to your UILabel here.
restyle! # May be necessary?
class MyScreen < PM::TableScreen
def table_data
cells: [{
cell_class: MyTableViewCell,
title: "whatever",
properties: {
mileage_label: "My mileage label",