I am new to using inline sql but keep getting an incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Update' error.
This is the syntax I am using, can someone point out (probably a very very newbie issue that is causing this?)
Declare @MyField As varchar(100)
Declare @Sql As nvarchar(1000)
Create Table #TableNames
TableName varchar(50)
Insert Into #TableNames(TableName)
Declare curX Cursor for Select TableName from #TableNames
Open curX
Fetch Next from curX Into @MyField
While @@ Fetch_Status <> -1
Set @Sql = N'(Update (trixieIce.dbo.' + @FieldName + N' Set Shipped = 'Yes' ShippedDate = GetDate() WHERE ShippedDate IS NULL And Shipped IS NULL)'
Exec sp+executesql @SQL
Fetch next from curX into @FieldName
Close curX
Deallocate curX
I have to assume that you are tying to implement Dynamic SQL. If so, this is how:
Declare @MyField As varchar(100)
Declare @Sql As nvarchar(1000)
Set @Sql = N'Update trixieIce.dbo.' + @MyField
+ N' Set Shipped = ''Yes'', ShippedDate = GetDate()'
Then after this you can execute it with EXEC(@Sql)
You should also be aware the if @MyField
is really a prarmeter that you are receiving from a client application, that it needs to be validated properly or else you'll be vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks. This is explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1246848/109122