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Callback function in thread

I am receiving an error of error C2248: 'boost::mutex::mutex' : cannot access private member declared in class 'boost::mutex'

I have seen various variations of questions regarding the same error but can't not figure out the solution yet. I am trying to implement a callback function in a thread. The callback function is being called through a member function as shown below:

// KinectGrabber.h
class KinectGrabber{
      mutable boost::mutex cloud_mutex_;
      KinectGrabber() { };
      void run ();
      void cloud_cb_ (const CloudPtr& cloud);
// KinectGrabber.cpp
void KinectGrabber::cloud_cb_ (const CloudPtr& cloud)
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (KinectGrabber::cloud_mutex_);
    // capturing the point cloud
void KinectGrabber::run() {
      // make callback function from member function
      boost::function<void (const CloudPtr&)> f =
      boost::bind (&KinectGrabber::cloud_cb_, this, _1);
      // connect callback function for desired signal. In this case its a point cloud with color values
      boost::signals2::connection c = interface->registerCallback (f);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
      KinectGrabber kinect_grabber;
      //; //this works
      boost::thread t1(&KinectGrabber::run,kinect_grabber); // doesnt work

I am using multithreading as there are other functions which I need to run along with this. Thank you for your assistance.


  • Found out the answer after some ordeal. The problem for this kind of error is the class cannot be copied (Ref: boost mutex strange error with private member). So the solution is this:

    boost::thread t1(&KinectGrabber::run,boost::ref(kinect_grabber));

    The boost::thread by default copies the object by value thereby violating the non-copyable criterion. Changing it to passing by reference in the thread solves the error. Hopefully it helps all others.