The CSS syntax highlighting in vim is not entirely optimal. For example:
stops the highlighting at the _
Is there an improved highlighter that doesn't bite on an underscore?
Update: I'm using VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled Jun 17 2008 15:22:40)
and the header of my css.vim is:
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Cascading Style Sheets
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2006 Jun 19
" CSS2 by Nikolai Weibull
" Full CSS2, HTML4 support by Yeti
I don't have that problem. This is the header of my syntax file:
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Cascading Style Sheets
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2007 Nov 06
" CSS2 by Nikolai Weibull
" Full CSS2, HTML4 support by Yeti
The relevant line of the syntax file, is this:
syn match cssClassName "\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]\+"