I am working on a first time symfony project (with Mopa Bootstrap) in a subdirectory on a development server (/var/www/www.example1.com). The subdirectory is called www.example1.com and is loaded this way: http://devserver.myname.com/www.example1.com.
When I do
php app/console assetic:dump --force --watch
All is working well.
Now I copied the whole project to a new subdirectory: www.example2.com
When I execute the assetic:dump command from this new directory the result shows that the css and js files are compiling into the old directory www.example1.com. How can I change this?
It seemed that app/console cache:clear does not work in this case because not all cache files where deleted. Removing the cache by hand did:
sudo rm -rf -- app/cache/prod app/cache/dev
After removing the cache file by hand app/console assetic:dump --force --watch compiles the files to the right directory.