I have a simple view-model that I'm unit-testing and I can't seem to fathom the behaviour. I figured it might be something to do with knockout selectively tracking dependencies or caching computed results.
The code (represented in this fiddle):
function viewModel() {
var serviceErrors = ko.observable([]),
isCancelImmediately = ko.observable(true),
futureDate = ko.observable(),
errors = ko.computed(function() {
var allErrors = serviceErrors(),
isImmediate = isCancelImmediately(),
selectedDate = futureDate();
if(!selectedDate && !isImmediate) {
allErrors.push('Please select a date if not immediate.');
return allErrors;
return {
futureDate: futureDate,
errors: errors,
isCancelImmediately: isCancelImmediately
test('should give error if user has not selected a date when closing immediately', function() {
var sut = viewModel();
ok(!sut.futureDate(), 'no date should be set to start with');
equal(sut.errors().length, 1, 'should contain a future date error if user hasn\'t entered a date');
equal(sut.futureDate(), '11/12/2014', 'should have set future date');
equal(sut.errors().length, 0, 'should not be showing error');
Can someone tell me why the last assertion's failing?
I think that:
allErrors.push('Please select a date if not immediate.');
Is actually pushing a string to the array that your serviceErrors observable is containing. So you are also pushing to serviceErrors when you run push on addErrors.