I try to use AnyEvent's fork_call in Windows Perl. I wrote some sample code:
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Util;
use Data::Dumper;
my $cv = AnyEvent -> condvar;
my $a;
fork_call {
$a = 1;
$cv -> send;
}, sub {
$cv -> recv;
print Dumper $a;
But I got following error:
Can't locate object method "one_event" via package "AnyEvent" at
C:/Perl/perl/site/lib/AnyEvent/Util.pm line 329.
END failed--call queue aborted.
Your code is wrong. If you using fork()
then you'll have copy of $cv
and $a
. Right code is:
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Util;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $a;
fork_call {
} sub {
($a) = @_;