I have a function template that accepts a function as an argument. I'd like to be able to get the name of the function argument from within the template. A complete example is below. See the line marked "COMPILE ERROR" -- I've tried to do a variety of things similar to this but I keep getting the same error, "function throws.thrower (int n) is not callable".
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.format;
import std.stdio;
int thrower(int n)
if(n > 5)
throw new core.exception.RangeError("too big");
return n * 2;
int thrower2(int x, int y)
int product = x * y;
if(product > 25)
throw new core.exception.RangeError("too big");
return product;
void assertThrows(alias fun, E, T...)(T t)
auto writer = appender!string();
"Expected %s to throw %s, but it did not",
// throws.d(32): Error: function throws.thrower (int n) is not callable using argument types ()
//fun.stringof, // <<-- COMPILE ERROR
throw new core.exception.AssertError(writer.data);
catch(E ex)
// Success - we got the expected exception - do nothing.
// We don't catch any other exceptions -- if these occur they will
// cause a failure directly, or be handled by other test code that
// may be expecting the exception. Either way we don't want to
// interfere.
int main()
assert(thrower(5) == 10);
assertThrows!(thrower, core.exception.RangeError)(6);
assertThrows!(thrower2, core.exception.RangeError)(9, 9);
assertThrows!(thrower2, core.exception.RangeError)(1, 1); // Should fail
return 0;
The thing I was looking for is std.traits.fullyQualifiedName; changing this line fixes the compile error and gives the desired output.
"Expected %s to throw %s, but it did not",
This gives output for the program in the question:
core.exception.AssertError@throws.d(37): Expected throws.thrower2 to throw RangeError, but it did not
which is what I am looking for.