I have the following resources:
class SpecResource(ModelResource):
results = fields.ToManyField('(...).ResultResource', 'result_set', full=True)
class ResultResource(ModelResource):
number = fields.IntegerField()
spec = fields.ForeignKey('(...).SpecResource', 'spec')
so that when I look at a spec JSON it includes a list of the results that have a ForeignKey to that spec. Now I'd like to filter the results that show up when I look at a spec JSON, and I'd like to be able to filter through the URL in the way that you'd filter a list of specs by a field of the specs. Is that possible?
To illustrate further, I'd like to go to "/api/spec/1/?number=5" and get the same JSON that I'd get if I went to "/api/spec/1/" except that the results field only contains those results that have number = 5.
Is this possible within tastypie's framework?
It's been a while since you posted here, but you may find a piece of solution in the answer @kroolik gave me in a similar situation, to build a filter on a 'nested' ToManyField-related resource: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20035610/1387495
Here is the main idea:
You can extend your attribute argument you've passed to the results field with a full-scale function and reuse the ResultResource. The res.obj_get_list handles building and applying filters as defined per your ResultResource. You just need to filter it further on parent_id.
In the code:
class SpecResource(ModelResource):
results = fields.ToManyField('(...).ResultResource', attribute=lambda bundle: filter_result_items(bundle), full=True)
def filter_result_items(bundle):
res = ResultResource()
new_bundle = Bundle(request=bundle.request)
objs = res.obj_get_list(new_bundle)
return objs.filter(parent_id=bundle.obj.pk)
Once again, thank @kroolik, who showed me this trick.