I'm pretty new to C and am hitting a wall when creating the below function. I want to use this function to make the first letter of a word upper case for a static character array (char string[]. It looks ok to my eye, but I'm getting some syntax errors which are probably pretty basic. compiler errors:
error: invalid conversion from
const char' to
const char*' initializing argument 1 of `size_t strlen(const char*)' assignment of read-only location
void Cap(char string[]){
int i;
int x = strlen(string);
for (i=1;i<x;i++){
if (isalpha(string[i]) && string[i-1] == ' '){
// only first letters of a word.
string[i]= toupper(string[i]);
}if (isalpha(string[0]))
I took your code and tried to compile it. Well, it would be nice to see compilable code the next time. Here is one with comments.
#include <stdio.h> // Now I am able to use printf.
#include <string.h> // I was not able to use strlen without this...
void Cap(char string[]){
int i;
int x = strlen(string); // You want to get the length of the whole string.
for (i=1;i<x;i++){
if (isalpha(string[i]) && string[i-1] == ' '){
// only first letters of a word.
string[i]= toupper(string[i]);
char string[] = "text with lowercase words.";
Still the first word of the text is lowercase. This is a task for you.