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Query relationship Eloquent

I have News model, and News has many comments, so I did this in News model:

public function comments(){
    $this->hasMany('Comment', 'news_id');

But I also have field trashed in comments table, and I only want to select comments that are not trashed. So trashed <> 1. So I wonder is there a way to do something like this:

$news = News::find(123);
$news->comments->where('trashed', '<>', 1); //some sort of pseudo-code

Is there a way to use above method or should I just write something like this:

$comments = Comment::where('trashed', '<>', 1)
    ->where('news_id', '=', $news->id)


  • Any of these should work for you, pick the one you like the most:

    1. Eager-loading.

      $comments = News::find(123)->with(['comments' => function ($query) {
          $query->where('trashed', '<>', 1);

      You can inject the parameter to query function by use($param) method, that allows you to use dynemic query value at runtime.

    2. Lazy-loading

      $news = News::find(123);
      $comments = $news->comments()->where('trashed', '<>', 1)->get();

    I couldn't help but notice, though, that what you're probably trying to do is handle soft deleting, and that Laravel has built-in functionality to help you with that: