Need help with a idea of how to convert a decimal number to non-decimal form(any, given by user input) and print it. The limitations are that arrays and strings are not allowed and while I wrote a recursive function for that, I am thinking of a non-recursive method for the same thing.
More of a personal challenge/exercise than anything vital/serious so feel free to tell me where to shove myself.
Note: I am working in C for this exercise.
Recall that a number x
in base B
is represented as such: x = anBn + ... + a2B2 + a1B + a0, where 0≤ai<B. Note that dividing x
by B
gives anBn-1 + ... + a2B + a1 with remainder a0 / B. In other words, x mod B = a0 (mod is short for modulus, which is the remainder after division).
Implemented as an algorithm:
while x > 0
print(x mod base)
x = x div base // Where "div" is integer division, equivalent to math.floor(x/base)
// This way we are discarding a_0.
// Next iteration we will get a_1, then a_2, etc.
This will print the digits in the reverse order.
Workaround: Instead of modulating to get the least significant digit, we modulate to get the most significant digit. We do this by noting that x - (x mod Bn) = an, where n
is the most significant digit.
var bn // This is base**n, where `n` is the most significant digit.
while x > 0
print(x - x mod bn) // Print out a_n
x = x mod bn // Discard a_n
bn = bn / base // Next iteration get a_(n-1), then a_(n-2), etc.
can be calculated as base ** math.floor(math.log(x) / math.log(base))
or by doing
var bn = 1
while bn * base < x
bn = bn * base