The Google Keyword tool was replaced with Google Keyword Planner and unfortunately, they changed the delimiter in the csv export.
Before this their csv export was comma delimited, now it's weird, it looks like this:
Campaign Currency Budget Language Networks Ad group Max CPC Keyword Avg. monthly searches Competition Avg CPC Impr. share In account? In plan? Headline Description line 1 Description line 2 Display URL Destination URL
Ideas USD en Google Search
Ideas USD Keywords like: Golf Equipment 505680 0.42 0.78
Ideas USD Keywords like: Golf Equipment golf equipment 9900 1.00 0.59 N Y
Ideas USD Keywords like: Golf Equipment ford credit 110000 0.15 1.52 N Y
I tried a lot of delimiters for php importing, but noting works... My old code was:
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
Can you please tell me what delimiter is it? Thanks :)
If you are downloading the excel version, i believe the delimiter is tab. Try this:
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "\t")) !== FALSE)