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Apps won't show in Django admin

I've read all the other threads but I still don't get why my apps are not showing up in Django admin. Everything else works fine.

My apps are in

I have admin.autodiscover in my root file

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.conf import settings

from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template

from django.contrib import admin


urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', direct_to_template, {
    "template": "homepage.html",
}, name="home"),

url(r'^admin/invite_user/$', 'signup_codes.views.admin_invite_user', name="admin_invite_user"),
url(r'^account/signup/$', "signup_codes.views.signup", name="acct_signup"),

(r'^account/', include('account.urls')),
(r'^profiles/', include('basic_profiles.urls')),
(r'^notices/', include('notification.urls')),
(r'^announcements/', include('announcements.urls')),
(r'^tagging_utils/', include('tagging_utils.urls')),
(r'^attachments/', include('attachments.urls')),
(r'^comments/', include('threadedcomments.urls')),
(r'^wayfinder/', include('wayfinder.urls')),
(r'^site/', include('jsite.urls')),
(r'^kiosk/', include('kiosk.urls')),
(r'^navigator/', include('navigator.urls')),
(r'^location/', include('location.urls')),
(r'^event/', include('event.urls')),
#(r'^news_reader/', include('news_reader.urls')),
#(r'^weather_reader/', include('weather_reader.urls')),


if settings.SERVE_MEDIA:
urlpatterns += patterns('',
    (r'^site_media/', include('staticfiles.urls')),

All my apps have an file containing something like

from django.contrib import admin
from event.models import Event

class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = (
            ), EventAdmin)

And I have restarted the server over and over ;-)

I am building on top of Pinax, but from my reading, it shouldn't change anything. Any clue what might be wrong ?


  • Do you have your apps in the INSTALLED_APPS section in Make sure it has your apps listed there. My section reads



    for instance. I'm pretty sure for security, they won't show up in the admin unless they are in installed apps. I think I had this same issue, where I couldn't get cowsite to show up in the admin.

    The Django docs say about the admin page: "By default, it displays all the apps in INSTALLED_APPS that have been registered with the admin application, in alphabetical order"