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Webrat verify content in iframe or frameset

I am using Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize adapter and want to test contents of pages that are iframed or framed into the selected page.

In other words:

Scenario: View header on webpage
  Given I visit a page containing a frameset
  When there is a header frame
  Then I should see login details in frame header

The problem is of course the last step: I need to navigate to the frame header and investigate it's contents. I can verify the frame tag is here

response_body.should have_selector "frame[src][name=header]"

This leaves me with two questions:

  1. How to read the src attribute and navigate to that page
  2. How to navigate back to the original page


  • This would answer the first part of the question

    Then /^I should see login details in frame header$/ do
      within 'frame[name=header]' do |frame|
        frame_src = frame.dom.attributes["src"].value
        visit frame_src
        response_body.should contain "Log in with digital certificate"
        response_body.should_not contain "Log out"