I have a programming project for which I am attempting to write some test cases for.
To simply things, I wrote a method to run these test cases:
(define print-case
(lambda (st1 st2 func)
(if (equal? func intersection)
(display "Intersection ")
(display "Union "))
(display " of ")
(print (func st1 st2))
I have several lists defined to run and two methods.
Here are some of the lists:
(define set1 '(1 4 9 7 20))
(define set2 '(15 4 7 25 99))
However, to save trouble, I want the names of the sets and the functions to be printed, not the expansions of them. Is this possible?
I tried (display st1)
, but obviously that just expands st1 into the list. Putting a single quote in front of st1 just causes it to print st1, not the name of the set I passed in.
Thanks in advance.
In Common Lisp, you could define your variables set1
and set2
as global variables with defparameter
, defvar
, or defconstant
, and use symbol valueto get the value of the variable using the symbol that names it. E.g.,
(defparameter set1 '(1 4 9 7 20))
(defparameter set2 '(15 4 7 25 99))
(defun print-case (name)
(format t "~a ~a" name (symbol-value name))
In Scheme, you won't be able to do that though. If you want to be able to take symbols and get corresponding values, in general, you'll need to build some kind of structure that associates the symbols with the values. You could use an association list:
(define sets '((set1 1 2 3 4 5)
(set2 0 1 3 5 7)))
(cdr (assoc 'set1 sets))
;=> (1 2 3 4 5)
(cdr (assoc 'set2 sets))
;=> (0 1 3 5 7)
Alternatively, you could use a hash table:
(define sets
(hash 'set1 '(1 2 3 4 5)
'set2 '(0 1 3 5 7)))
(hash-ref sets 'set1)
;=> '(1 2 3 4 5)
(hash-ref sets 'set2)
;=> '(0 1 3 5 7)
In any case, you'll need to provide some sort of structure that maps from symbols to lists.
If you don't need such a general solution, though, you could use some macros, as uselpa's answer demonstrates, and could wrap the test function in such a way that you have access to both the symbol that the test function is called with and the value of the variable with that name. That doesn't “map” from symbols to values in the same way, but your test function would get the four values that it needs (two names and two values), and for writing test cases, that's probably enough.