why isn't the innerText of my QUANTITY node isn't changing when I do this:
XmlDocument inventory = new XmlDocument();
string vacuumName = (string)vacuumsBox.SelectedItem;//vacuumBox is a comboBox that contains the vacuums names
XmlNode rootElement = inventory.FirstChild.NextSibling;//first child is the xml encoding type tag not the root
int number = Convert.ToInt32(vacuumsNumber.Value);//vacuumNumber is the name of the numeric up down
int quantity, newQuantity = 0;
foreach (XmlNode device in rootElement.ChildNodes)
if (String.Equals(device["NAME"].InnerText, vacuumName))
string innerXml = device["QUANTITY"].InnerText;
quantity = Int32.Parse(device["QUANTITY"].InnerText);
newQuantity = quantity + number;
device["QUANTITY"].InnerText.Replace(innerXml, newQuantity.ToString());
//device["QUANTITY"].InnerText.Insert(0, newQuantity.ToString());
after I save my file the innerText of the selected QUANTITY node is still not changed. This is my XML file "Inventory.xml", where INVENTORY is the root:
This is a part of my XML file "Inventory.xml" where INVERNTORY is the root :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NAME>Air Steerable Bagless Upright</NAME>
<NAME>Quietforce Bagged Canister</NAME>
<NAME>Corded Cyclonic Stick Vacuum</NAME>
the line device["QUANTITY"].InnerText.Replace(innerXml, newQuantity.ToString());
wont actually replace the InnerText. Instead, a new string is created here. Use something like
device["QUANTITY"].InnerText = newQuantity.ToString()
to set the InnerText to a new value.