I have a problem with a Task for my school. We have to create an Inventory Class and fill it with Objects. The Inventory should have a maximum capacity. The second Task is to write a method that sums up the total weight (float) of my objects. I dont know how to get objects in the inventory.. Please help!! Here my code: Class:
public abstract class Item1 { //abstract BASE
string label;
float weight;
protected Item1 (string l, float w) {
label = l;
weight = w;
public string Label() { return label; }
public float Weight() { return weight; }
public abstract class Equipment : Item1 { //abstact
float tear;
protected Equipment (string l, float w, float t) : base (l,w) {
tear = t;
public float Tear() { return tear; }
public abstract class Goods : Item1 { //abstact
float uselevel;
protected Goods (string l, float w, float ul) : base (l,w) {
uselevel = ul;
public float Uselevel() { return uselevel; }
class Sword : Equipment { //concrete
public float damage;
public Sword (string l, float w, float t, float d) : base (l,w,t) {
damage = d;
public override string ToString ()
return "Item: " + Label () +" +" + damage + " damage" ;
class Shield : Equipment { //concrete
public float block;
public Shield (string l, float w, float t, float b) : base (l,w,t) {
block = b;
public override string ToString ()
return "Item: " + Label () +" +" + block + " defence" ;
class HP : Goods { //concrete
public float heal;
public HP (string l, float w, float ul, float h) : base (l,w,ul) {
heal = h;
public override string ToString ()
return "Item: " + Label () +" +" + heal + " health" ;
class MP : Goods { //concrete
public float mana;
public MP (string l, float w, float ul, float m) : base (l,w,ul) {
mana = m;
public override string ToString ()
return "Item: " + Label () +" +" + mana + " mana" ;
public class Build : MonoBehaviour {
void Start() {
void Update () {
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F)) {
//Inventory.items.Add( new Sword("Lucifers Blade",12,15,2130) );
//Inventory.items.Add( new HP("Healpotion",1,2,850) );
//Inventory.items.Add( new MP("Manapotion",1,2,1300) );
//Sword sword = new Sword("Lucifers Blade",12,15,1337);
//print (sword.Label() + " weight: " + sword.Weight() + " KG - Level: "+ sword.Tear() + " DMG: " + sword.damage );
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) {
MP mana = new MP("Manapotion",12,15,1337);
print ("You used: " + mana.Label() + "(Weight: " + mana.Weight() + " kg) Level: " + mana.Uselevel() + " + " + mana.mana + " Mana.");
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Inventory {
string name;
public static List<Item1> items;
public Inventory(string n) {
name = n;
items = new List<Item1>();
public void Add(Item1 item) {
items.Add (item);
items.Add( new Sword("Lucifers Blade",12,15,2130) );
public void Remove(Item1 item) {
items.Remove (item);
public override string ToString (){
string s = name + " contains ";
foreach (Item1 item in items)
s += item + ", ";
return s;
You are using Inventory as a static class, you need to create an instance of it.
Inventory myInventory = new Inventory("Inventory");
Then to add items
myInventory.items.Add( new MP("Manapotion",1,2,1300) );
Finally, you can use Linq to work out the weight
float weight = myInventory.items.Sum(item => item.weight);
Also, it seems strange that the list is static. Is this intended?